ATT is having a system wide outage in my area.
I have to wonder how many people are on the phone with tech support for whatever device they got yesterday, that isn't working today.
Currently burning up the data on the phone. Good thing it's unlimited.
I'm pretty sure the hot spot is just as fast as DSL. Maybe faster.
When I worked tech support in the dial up modem days, we'd lose a RADIUS from time to time. Basically, it would drop an entire 50 mile or so swath of users. You could tell exactly when it happened because our wait time board would go from a minute or two to 30 to 40 minutes.
The worst was when the Blaster worm was a thing. I remember curiously watching the XP test machine (XP was still new at the time) next to me blow up then hearing the phones blow up minutes afterwards. That lasted for days.
In reply to BlueInGreen - Jon :
Yep, that was step one. Restart the desktop.
Step two, restart the router.
Step three, see if another system was having a problem.
Step four was a phone call and the hot spot.
It's back up now. Not sure how long it was down.
hmm my at&t hotspot was dog slow most of today. D.C. here.