Why couldn't the shop at least put plastic over the window? Don't they know about mechanic's liens? They could've owned this car if they'd pursued it.
I am afraid to ask... but how much?
Could use the front air dam if it's still on the car, and if not the whole car then certainly the 5-speed parts.
Oh yeah, I forgot that part. $750. I figure all the 5 speed parts are probably worth that. No front air dam. It's broken.
3/31/09 9:14 p.m.
what a shame.. things cooked for good.. though i can think of a few good uses for that motor....
No kidding. I was seriously considering grafting the engine, transmission, and suspension underneath my extra '85 GTI. That would be a bad ass challenge car.
Are those rear-trans like the 924's?
Hmmm.... If I could get the torque-tube extended a couple feet that would be a pretty sweet swap into my 62 Tempest. 
With a twin turbo OHC 6? That would be freaking awesome.
Why not just throw a couple of snails on the 928 mill?
I'll take the Mk1 Scirocco sitting next to it.
Poor thing....sitting outside in the Midwest......
I'm not afraid of all the cobbed-together fixes the idiot PO did to the car.
name your price sir.....she needs to come home!
I was hoping you wouldn't notice that! Actually, that's the main reason I'm selling all this crap, to make room and budget for the Scirocco. I've already got the engine built (actually two of them, not sure if I want to go 16v turbo or 20v turbo). Body work is the main obstacle, since I hate it.
That's also why I said "I'm keeping the transmission" from the Rabbit I have for sale! The Scirocco one has some issues.
Ok, Ok,
Just as long as the old friend isn't languishing, and returning to the earth.
The trans has never been right since the car was involved in a minor wreck. I think my hand was on the shifter when the accident happened, and maybe it damaged the shifter, or trans internals.
Good luck bringing it back to life. Maybe we will have to re-instate the claim rule!
That car looks like sex. Except with patina...
I guess that's one thing patina doesn't help...
Unless it's dirty punk rock sex.
You all know you want it. I need a MKI Scirocco door and Stan's 325is.
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