Link to build thread:
Runs well, doesn't look too bad. I have a new shift linkage rod on order to restore shifting capabilities. The heater is stuck on (bad blend door servo) but if you turn the fan off and put it in recirc then it doesn't blow hot air on you.
The front LCA bushings and at least two engine mounts are shot so the powertrain and suspension moves around quite a bit. I have new LCA bushings to go in and was just planning on filling the mounts with 2-part urethane or window weld.
New Bilstein HDs on the front with new strut mounts.
I am selling to free up some cash since I want to buy a motorcycle. Pictures are in the build thread, I can't link them at work.
$1000 for GRMers, located in Columbus, OH.
Any particular type of motorcycle? I'm selling this if you're interested in a trade +cash... 
I would be very interested but I'm sure I don't have the amount of cash you would want. 
If this were closer to where I live, I would seriously consider buying this car and continuing the work on it. My dad used to own a 405 and he loved that car and always wanted to own another one, and his 60th birthday is coming up soon and this car would be a great present. Unfortunately a 14 hour drive is a liitle far for me to go get a car, also I have neither the money nor the space to work on it at this point in my life. Maybe if I win the lottery tomorrow.
Ha, no worries, I don't have that kind of cash laying around either. I'm actually a bit surprised no one's snatched your car up yet, that's a cool little ride. Good luck with the sale!
You are killing me. Could I swing by and check it out this weekend maybe?
I'll be around this evening, Saturday afternoon or Sunday all day.
I will try and swing by Sunday afternoon if that is cool with you. PM me your address and/or number and I will give you a call.
In reply to EvanB:
Inspiration for a potential buyer?
It died while driving it today and I towed it home with the miata, I should have got a picture of that.
In reply to SciroccoPhil:
Roadtrip! We have the truck!
In reply to 93EXCivic:
If you come and get it soon I will cut you a deal. I don't even want to look at it.
Hopefully the timing belt didn't let go 
I hope so as well, it cranks but won't start. it started again for a bit so I'm thinking fuel or spark. I'll investigate more tomorrow.
On the bright side I have the bumper off so I can fix the misalignment.
I got called into work on Sunday, any chance you will be around Thursday or Friday this week ?
Should be, I'll be home Thursday evening and all weekend. Not sure about Friday evening yet. I'll look into it and see if I can narrow down why it isn't running.
I tried to start it today and it ran fine for about 10 seconds then died. That was the extent of my troubleshooting.
I really wish I could figure out a way to get this back to WI.
I would say fly and drive but that won't work. 
Will it run on starting fluid? If you could at least pinpoint the problem area I may be willing to consider a one-way ticket out and some time to thrash on it in the garage.
I do not jest when I say I MUST have an Mi16... 
I haven't tried starting fluid. I took the ignition cap off yesterday and it and the rotor look pretty cooked. I looked in the spare parts the PO bought and he got ones for a SOHC.
I'm thinking it's something ignition related, when it dies the tach drops instantly and when it will crank and not start the tach doesn't move at all.