Located in NW suburbs of Chicago. Mine. Affiliated.
Honestly I would consider this a running and driving parts car. Decent amount of rust and lots of things not working/bypassed plus the interior is trashed. Just under 200K miles. Last year and less than 1K miles ago I replaced the head gasket, refreshed the head a bit, timing belt, water pump, valve cover gasket, deleted the catalytic converter and installed a new stock-ish exhaust plus a good working Garrett T3 turbo. Flushed the cooling system and the intercooler. Pull the engine + trans and drop it in a nicer shell!
k f s p @yahoo.com

I'm just saving the space as I may be looking for a redblock soon
That would be perfect to swap into my 940, I won't have the money for a few weeks though. 
mmm, looks like a tasty swap for the MGB-GT I have sitting here. Any idea what the approximate power output is? I am a total Volvo-uninitiated.
10/6/14 2:27 p.m.
Well, SOMEONE buy it.
This is just on the other side of town from me, and the want is nearly too strong.
Nothing to add, but good luck w/ the sale. Me and the misses just had a convo last night and I def cant buy this anytime soon.
Man, that would make a great winter beater for me. I'm pretty dang close, too (Milwaukee). What all is non-functioning or bypassed on it, and how terminal is the rust?
SlickDizzy wrote:
Man, that would make a great winter beater for me. I'm pretty dang close, too (Milwaukee). What all is non-functioning or bypassed on it, and how terminal is the rust?
Winter beating is initially what I bought it for. Sunroof is kaput. Parking brake cable broke. Drivers seat heater doesn't work. Head unit died (really old deck that was crap anyway). Recently the speedometer gradually quit. Heater core is bypassed (I suspect the plastic fitting that's a known failure point and easy to replace gave up ((can do it with core in situ)). Heat worked great until it sprung a leak! Rear caliper is frozen.
Rust is not what I would call terminal. It's just slowly popping up/around the body. I call it rusty mainly because you don't see many Volvos sporting rust.
With some freshening up and a couple weekends you could have this Swedish tank back in full on winter battle mode!
Someone should really buy this and do a pickup conversion. (Yes the E30 truck for sale has me thinking too much)
In reply to captdownshift: or cut out the roof skin and install a canvas top w/ snaps for maximum WTF looks. Plus a giant prancing moose painted on the hood for good measure.
Don't Tempt Me.
Cut the roof, make a bed, install exterior roll ball ala wrangler, install canvas top. Paint moose with antlers spread out ala Firebird screaming chicken.
captdownshift wrote:
Don't Tempt Me.
Cut the roof, make a bed, install exterior roll ball ala wrangler, install canvas top. Paint moose with antlers spread out ala Firebird screaming chicken.
F#CK. YES. The majesty of it..
If I had the room for it I would be so tempted to keep it and execute that plan.
10/8/14 10:38 p.m.
Aw I miss my red manual 745 turbo. Hmm.
captdownshift wrote:
Do it Evan...
Yes, do it, because Quantum #2 is still several months and $2k away from being done and I don't think Quantum #1 will make it another winter and this car looks like it is in WAY good of a shape, bolt Q#1's seats in it and throw a $100 converter on it and be good for the winter. And the summer.
And I don't really WANT to have five cars.
In reply to Knurled: You do. You do want 5 cars. 
Trade for an eagle summit wagon, manual fwd? 
In reply to EvanB:
Totally wish I could, but I don't have room for the Volvo. You could have the Volvo for $600 tho.. 
Were you serious about me taking it and paying later? I'll be in Chicago on Saturday, may be able to come up with the cash but not sure yet.
I could just swap the drivetrains between my 940 and make the red one a pickup!
Dead serious actually. I know where you interface with the GRM hivemind
Too much effort went into refreshing it to let go on craigslist and I know a GRMer would make good use of all the parts like Native Americans with the buffalo.