So our story.
leave home(just SW of Cleveland) Tuesday at 11am. I wanted to leave at 8 but didn't feel well and decided we would get there when we get there. Around 8pm after an uneventful ride we got to dusterbd13 house in albemarle NC. Successfully unloaded Darth Nader between the two of us and our exceptional wives. Unloaded any parts staying there. Loaded the E55 AMG and strapped it in.

Once the benz was tied we put back any ancillaries and left to get dinner at Cook Out. Damn that was cheap. All 4 of us ate for $14 and there was food left over. By the time we rolled out of their lot it was 10pm and I wanted to get a couple hours and stop. Well, on 52 towards 95 there is nothing. We hit 95 somewhere north of Florence SC after a diesel stop. At that stop I got the monster sized fountain coke at speedway to sip until we got to a hotel that was in a good stopping point AND could take a trailer like mine.
Turns out, that hotel never came. By 2am we were in Savanna, and I decided I was not paying for a hotel room for 5 hours nor was I wasting the fact that I was almost all alone on I-95. Made a 5ish am diesel stop at I-10 and 301 and pointed SSW. Rolled into Gainesville as the sun and city were waking up, and hit the hotel parking lot at 6:50am.
At that point I had planned to sleep in the truck so I went to the front desk to inform them we were early and to please don't tow us, and ask if we could check in a couple hours early around 2. Jasmine flat hooked us up, nobody had stayed in our room that night so she checked me in at 7am and we slept till around 10. We took advantage of the opportunity and did lots of pool time, relaxed in the hot tub, unloaded the Benz, and went to Publix before anyone else even showed up.

Wednesday night was dinner with Jeremy, Andy, Chris, and Stampie and his mom. Then we unloaded the PLB golf cart and the ungodly heavy trophies and loaded the entirety of the stuff I had dragged down for Stampie.
thursday morning we commenced the PLBs. Richard took charge on the camaro suspension, awsxnumbers Andrew and myself along with Andy Neuman jumped on the benz, and Chris(awsx little brother) jumped on the golf cart with jeremy. Documentation pics of this are in Andy's PLB thread, as i was too busy working. In all we did hoosiers, nitrous, vinyl, oil cooler leak, and full tuneup. Nonack kicked ass and did all the crappy crawling around under the car work and mounted the bottle. Mrs surfshibby helped run nitrous wires. Andy did some wheel stud stuff and Andrew did the whole tuneup. Tim helped snake wires, and Gumby helped snake wires and apply vinyl. I'm sure there was more help but it's hard to remember. I took a ride out the hotel driveway and back and deemed it good

Golf cart came out awesome too

about the time we loaded up and were strapping the car into the trailer, a smiling man was standing on the trailer ramp. "Is it a real AMG? I've always wanted one." He was extremely excited, borderline giddy. He was also Alan McCrispin. I asked if he wanted to take the pro runs, and he said yes and run it early because the cool would benefit the big power n/a v8 and the car would make its own heat in the tires.

Alan piloted the big Benz to a 46.55 which ended up 12th fastest autocross car of the day. I don't think he could wipe the smile off his face afterward. At that point our cylinder 8 misfire had returned so we shut it down and let it cool enough to change out number 8 coil without getting burned.
(to be continued)