still looking for a renault fuego, any year or trim level, just want a clean car even if it has a million miles on it. not that i think any of them made it beyond 150k miles, but who knows. auto or 5 speed, doesnt matter, preferably so i can $2009 it price wise with lots of room left for go fasterness in the budget. i know they are worthless so there has to be a $500 fuego out there somewhere.
I remember the Renault Fuego Turbo...........and the Lecar with 3 lugnuts on each wheel. aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
There is a mint LeCar on ebay
I guess that sort of begs the question, can a LeCar be mint?
there's a cheap $650 Peugeot 405 Mi 16, 5 spd by me for sale...
jrw1621 wrote:
I guess that sort of begs the question, can a LeCar be mint?
wow, that baby is mint. I wonder what the owner thinks it is worth? He has a reserve on the car. "This mint LeCar is worth 10 grand"
I saw an average shape 240Z one night and the owner told me he turned down 15K. I almost said: "You should have taken it"
jrw1621 wrote:
There is a mint LeCar on ebay
I guess that sort of begs the question, can a LeCar be mint?
I've always wondered if these were called "The Voiture" in France.
New Reader
10/26/08 1:57 p.m.
Sorry, I'm sure it's a long shot, but this guy mentions seeing one in a junkyard in northern California. First post, near the end... Not sure if that's at all feasible to you.
I didn't even know they were sold here, a friend had one back in Melbourne in the 80s
my parents had one when i was younger, i learned how to drive a 5 speed in it.
another member posted pics of one in cali on a dealer lot next to a body shop but was pretty insistent on not bothering to ask for me if it was for sale or even finding out who it belonged to so i could ask.
Just saw this; there is one that has not moved for 10 years down the street from my house. It is black and white with some Ford "TRX"-looking wheels on it. I'll take a ride and see if it is still there. The price of scrap dropped here (assuming everywhere else, too), so that may be a good thing. I'll look.
New Reader
10/27/08 9:01 p.m.
Where are you located at? If your in the Mid-Atlantic area I know there is a guy in Weston, WV that has one and possibly 2 for sale that are possibly turbo models. PM me for a name.
A used car "wholesaler" a few miles from my apartment has, or used to have, a fairly nice looking Fuego on his "lot". It is/was a sort of baby blue and I'm guessing just a run of the mill spec (that is, not a high performance model of any kind). I can't remember if I saw it the last time I was in that part of town. Physically, from what I could see, it looked decent. However, like MANY vehicles on this guy's lot, it hasn't moved in YEARS.
I may know of 1 or 2 others in the Memphis area...let me know if you are really serious or just in the mood to look at some pix of vintage French sales flops.
"....vintage French sales flops" Isn't that sort of redundant?
i gather price and distance away from cleveland would dictate how serious i am. i mean, whats a fuego worth? running can't be worth much more than scrap value with renault's reputation and the general american public's dislike of the french. 
everyone is looking for the rust free running $500 turbo car in their backyard, i know i'm not going to find it, but i can't be spending $700 in gas to go pick up a $500 non runner and have no budget left over to make it work. my truck is a 8.5-9mpg 454ci pig so driving more than a few hours in any direction screws any chance of making things worth it.
top that off with negotiations for a possible purchase of an LT1 roadmonster wagon puts me in a less serious mood than say, the day i posted this where i would have hooked up the trailer and taken a 5 hour ride at the drop of a dime for a clean fuego.