he said his dad's car was last run in the 60's by someone else in the family, the right rear axle broke and tire came off and car was retired. car still has broken axle. he said it's getting put at his son's place and he bought a bunch of metal working tools to bring it back to life. i hope it happens, it was awesome. i should have taken pics and i feel bad for not doing so. it was definitely old old old school. he said the engine it ran was a straight 6 but that was sold by his (expletive) brother. it appeared to be running original 32 ford rails that were boxed, had an angle iron trans crossmember, a very scary primitive roll bar, the rear fenders were chopped very thin and welded to the body.
Did you ever build this thing up yet? Did I miss the build thread?
That information is on a need to know basis. 
Actually did start on it, but it's going on hiatus while i get the metalwork done on the chevelle
1/4/17 12:57 p.m.
This is a great idea. Think Roadkill episode thoughts...
How did I miss this? I have almost bought something like that too many times to count. My buddy sends me every single ad he finds hoping I'll be the test subject for his NASCAR tube chassis track day fantasy build.
I'm hoping the same for you. I'm counting on not buying one of these again this year. Put the Chevelle away and get to work!
the chevelle was put away for 2 years while i thrashed on the datsun for challenge glory. it's time to get it done, correctly, for good. when i get the metalwork done i'm probably sending it off to paint, so with the garage empty the tube chassis fantasy build can resume.