Looking for the part that attaches the linkage to the trans and any other hardware that i may need between the shifter and trans. Its an older 727 goin into a 70 Road Runner, not sure what year the trans is from, but i can find out, im looking for my father in law.
What type of shifter? Floor or collum?
I'm unearlthing my storage and keep finding stuff...
Floor but the trans is coming out of an RV so im assuming that was a column shifter.
Better have him check the trans....
Most RV's use a diffrent tail shaft and main shaft.
RV's tend to have a E-brake drum hanging off the end and use a 4 bolt flange not a slip yoke. They can be swaped out easy but it's not cheap.
RV might have has "shift on the dash" aka trash in the dash cable unit too.
I'll look to see if i have the squezze clamp to fit the valve body i know i have the other parts...somewhere...