Not mine, et cetera, et cetera...
I wish the seller was more forthcoming on the rough spots, but looks like a solid project.
Not mine, et cetera, et cetera...
I wish the seller was more forthcoming on the rough spots, but looks like a solid project.
Thats not a whale tail sploiler, and from the pics I can't even confirm that its an SPG at all. I smell a huckster.
Won't be able to touch another for under $8,000....except for all of the ones I see well under $8k.
This guys comes across as knowing absolutely nothing about these cars? "The kind of turbo that doesn't hurt the transmission"- what? What does that even mean.
Per the person above, it's not the turbo that hurts the transmission on these, because they wear out on the N/a 900S versions as well. It's the transmission itself, the synchros, et al.
I'd be wary of this guy, but for $1100 it is what it is.
redhookfern wrote: I'd be wary of this guy, but for $1100 it is what it is.
....which is a non SPG parts car...
And the bit about the turbo is complete BS.
HappyAndy wrote:redhookfern wrote: I'd be wary of this guy, but for $1100 it is what it is.....which is a non SPG parts car...And the bit about the turbo is complete BS.
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