Gramps has a 1952 Morris Minor project. It's a solid, 2-door... thing. The underside is 100% rebuilt and beautiful, zero rust. He has 100% of the pieces to put it back together, plus many spares. It has a 1000cc+ Austin motor (6.5" clutch), but with a 1bbl downdraft carb, that looks all original (but according to the books, isn't).
It's a little more than Challenge priced, but not by much, and partial trades are looked upon favorably!
Titusville, FL.
He tried to sell it to me a couple months back. My dad was sposed to help him identify the motor. He still hasn't had time:-( and niether have I. Lol
Small world!
In reply to Jaxmadine:
I swear everybody knows my Grandpa some way, some how. It's kind of uncanny how often he runs into people.
If that weren't in Florida I'd be pitching a fit about having tied up more than my remaining available time an space with the Ranchero...
In reply to spitfirebill:
Probably not, but I'll pester Gramps. I've seen it in person FWIW.
If it was together I would trade my neon for it. If the wife would say yes. I see many of people at tire kingdom. I need a nw job. Lol