I really need to stay off craigslist. However, a recent find has me thinking very bad things with my tax return coming...

Slicks, tub, hot motor.. wheelie machine! Get some local plumbing company to sponsor you and get paid to have fun!
Does a bus eventually get so short that it denotes genius?
I dig it!
Needs to be lowered for an epic finish.
slicks, tub, hot motor, imminent death.
2 barrel 302 gag.
I could stuff an FE in that and a C6. Already has a 9 in probably 28spline but I don't see it hooking hard enough to break one.
I would sooo rock that, kind of needs chopped a few inches and lowered for sure. Too many irons in the fire....
2/1/14 2:04 p.m.
I feel like it needs an obnoxious rake a chop and a super cartoony high rise intake level with the roof. Its halfway to the living embodiment of a rat fink car as is.... Might as well
go real big.