In reply to IndyJoe: jacksonville FL. I did not realize the post went through. I was in the middle of trying to finish it up and add pictures..
Those are some comfortable looking front seats.
Most excellent! I haven't seen a Pacer wagon in decades!
And I thought Racer Walsh only worked on Fords?
In reply to Danny Shields:
Yeah, we are Ford guys, but the car is soo cool I had to get it..
BEGGING for some woodgrain on the side!
Good luck with the sale Brian! For those of you who don't know--- Brian runs the Decal Shop, and Racer Walsh. He also races this bitchin Pinto at vintage events around the country----- so you know he's a good guy!

Y'all do remember the Pacer that had the Caddy engine in it a few weeks ago, right??
Man, I'm glad this thing is on the other end of the coast. Love it! It's even the right color.
Shouldn't a Pacer have a ......... Rotary...? 
Just sayin'
A Pacer needs an AMC 360 or 401 V8