Throwing this up for sale. 1984 Dodge Ram 50. Starts and runs, carbed 4 cylinder, automatic, currently a track support rat for bringing spare tires and jacks to the pit wall. Lowered on lowering blocks in the rear, think the fronts are cut springs. Very low! Tailgate has damage as a tree fell on it and broke a tail light, which are very hard to find apparently. Right rear tire goes flat occasionally, I just air it back up. Bought it off my buddy in Atlanta, does not have a title as in Georgia you don't need a title for a vehicle over 25 years old, so you will need to get a bonded title. Asking $1200 obo, in Cresson, TX. PM me if you are interested.

This could be a perfect parts truck for a rod shop or even for a bike shop..
Man, it must suck for you guys in states that still really care about that! One thing Georgia has gotten right is the 198(6?5?) title exemption date.
CT doesn't really give a crap about titles. Bill of sale, and if possible a previous/current registration. They run a VIN check just to make sure it's not in a national stolen vehicle database and then it's all good.
Look into your state, most don't title older vehicles or don't have a problem registering one. I bought a 96 Jetta in Rhode Island. CT titles that age but RI doesn't. Not a problem, registered it and received a CT title for it. Then I traded it for a Honda 400EX and then the quad for a Jet Ski...
10/8/15 7:08 p.m.
Trust me.
Illinois is NOT okay with it.
I have the sheet of paper from the Sheriff's department, verifying it isn't stolen. States are weird.
10/9/15 3:51 p.m.
Oh, I'm sure it isn't.
Il still doesn't want me to have it. I could do a bonded title, but it is a little more hassle than I want.
Huh. Small world. I saw the ad title, thought "hey, I see one of those around work." Turns out we work at the same track. Good luck with the sale.