11/24/12 3:58 p.m.
I have a pair of what I was told is 1st gen MR2 seats that I don't need. I picked them up from someone else from this board, though i don't know who it was. Anyway, I think the driver side seat is missing the trim around the adjustment knob. Otherwise, these seats are in great shape, just need a good vacuuming. I think I paid $150 for the pair. make me an offer close to that and they are yours. I'm also open to trades. I'd like to trade them for a NA or NB miata, a Veyron, A wrangler (5-speed please, don't care about the engine) or a McIntosh MC207 7-Channel Amplifier.
Look at these funktastik accordian covers on the headrest posts!
I don't want to ship these, but I'm willing to drive an hour or a bit more to meet you somewhere.
I'm in Fenton, MI.
Any idea how these would fit in an NA Miata?
I have a Veyron I might be willing to trade, but it is currently disassembled for a 4ag swap.
These seats are pretty wide, so I'm guessing no go on the miata. However, these are some of my favorite seats ever. I wish I was closer for my challenge car. Oh well.
Yeah, I remember liking the sears in my'87 Mister Two, but it's been awhile since I've had that car, so don't remember alot about their physical size.
Guess I need to trade the Veyron project for something else...
11/24/12 6:46 p.m.
I'll take measurements. They look very comfy. If they don't sell, I'll turn them into office chairs.
Boy, those pics sure make it obvious that I used a blow gun to clean them off for the pics haha.
If you would like, I can like this to www.mr2oc.com - the epicenter of all things MR2
In my posting above, I have a typo of "like", what I meant to write was "link" and that is what I have now done.
Since www.mr2oc.com is a site that requires registration to enter, you may not be able to see the listing.
The headline I used is:
Seats, Red/Black Pair $150, Michigan
Rare set of good Red/Black seats found listed over on Grassroots Motorsports.
Then I added a picture of each seat.
From my MR2 days, I seem to remember that the method for shipping these seats was as follows...
Uhaul style closet box:
Headrest removed, placed on seat and seat folded slightly forward. Box then fully closes. The box dimensions are such that they just barely stay under what FedEx/UPS considers to be oversized and weight is just under what they consider to overweight.
11/25/12 11:34 a.m.
Thanks JohnRW.
Are those seats rare? I posted them here, hoping to get what I paid for them because the GRMer I got them from gave me a deal. I want to return that favor.
My listing says, "Rare set of good Red/Black seats."
I felt that a set of un-ripped, 25+ year old seats, in good condition was the rarity.
Said another way, I think it is uncommon to find these seats is such shape.
I expect you may need to consider shipping them. What I found in my years of MR2 ownership and parts/trim selling is that the cars are still on the road in the southern states (where they do not rust) but the good interior and plastic trim pieces are in the northern states where the sun is not harsh and does not destroy.
11/28/12 11:16 a.m.
Ok, I'll ship them if someone wants them.