I have a '70 and a '72 that are more or less complete. Both ran when parked nearly 20 years ago. I also had a third car that has been scrapped. The '70 was the hopeful candidate, it has been in the garage since I got it. The '72 was mainly for parts and has been outside. Between them the transmissions are two side shifters and one tail shifter, the engines are 1.7/1.8/2.0. The 2.0 is out of the scrapped car and is the genuine article with Porsche heads and Bosch injection. The 1.7 was supposedly on a fresh 0 mile rebuild when I got the car and came with dual Webber 40idf's. The 1.8 did run but needs love, it has the Webber 32/36 single carb. There is also a 935 slant nose body kit and two 916 fender flares and somewhere there should be brand new floor assembly waiting for installation. I also have an 85 gti with the AEB block 1.8t and scirocco supercharged head. The block needs machine work but it was intended to go in the 914 eventually. The cars are at my parents house in Orlando. I was about to under go the task of trying to part them out and make some of my investment back. As it stands now if someone wants to pull everything out of the yard/garage I would consider a package deal for challenge money. If anyone is interested please pm me.
Yep, and the responsibility of moving it all. I guess I'll say o.b.o. As well but anything too insulting and I would part it out.
In reply to JThw8:
Wonder how big a truck you'd need
OMG... why are you so close to me!?
Against my better judgment, I am sending you a PM.
1/10/16 12:11 p.m.
if you have some pictures of the stash could you send some my way at cottonyzf at gmail. I'm not close but don't mind a road trip and have access to a 36 foot car trailer.
I have some pics of the golf and will take some of the 914's in their natural habitat tomorrow hopefully, so I will send them to Cotton and anybody else who could use a good laugh/cry. In reply to Cotton:
Okay I was able to clear away enough crap to get a few shots of the 914's. I will try to figure out how to post some of them here. until then if anyone besides Cotton and NordicSaab (sent) needs them, hit me up I will send them all in e-mail.
1/18/16 5:33 p.m.
If you want to send them to me I'll be happy to host and post them for you jim at misfittoysracing dot com
So sorry for my ignorance but I have tried to pm SVreX and JThw8, all I got was a box stating the need for approval. I still have pics to share I just need an e-mail address to send them to. I also wanted to add that I just got a Miata and would be very interested in trade for Miata donor or parts etc.
1/22/16 5:00 p.m.
You can email them to me at jim at misfittoysracing dot com and I'll be happy to share them here.
1/25/16 5:52 p.m.
If anyone wants to see the photos I've uploaded them all at http://misfittoysracing.com/914/
A few too many to hotlink them all here :)
I would like to thank JThw8 for being so gracious as to host these photos for me. If anyone has interest in this project please contact me. Thanks to everyone who's been in contact so far, I appreciate the support.
Okay one more try, some body wants a 914 right.?
I want, but have no way to get them back from Florida to North Carolina.
Man, I wish I had a way to haul these to MD. I'd have to make 2 trips
I'm heading near that way at the end of March with an empty flatbed trailer. Maybe with both of us it'd be one trip?
I sense a new adventure thread coming!
Stampie wrote:
I'm heading near that way at the end of March with an empty flatbed trailer. Maybe with both of us it'd be one trip?