I snapped a few pics to really show what a mess it is:
Here's a better view of the rainbow

The other side of the back of the shop and my GTI

More mess and the alignment rack that still needs to be set up

Bikes and a big pile of what used to be very expensive stuff. One of those boxes has about 20 porsche four pot brake calipers, another has a disassembled g50, carb setups, windows, interior bits, all buried. It's intimidating to even get started going through it all. Most of it will end up on ebay or various forums.

Highlights in this area include some powerdercoated intake manifolds, a high butterfly mechanical injection setup, the red boxes are new mahle piston/cylinder sets for various engines, a few sets of knife-edged cranks and rods, and all sorts of other porsche stuff. Enough parts to build at least 3-4 engines with lots of spares. Corner weight scales in the corner next to a stack of brand new 930 brake rotors.

A closer view

The other shelf. Stock 930 intercooler, several sets of race headers and megaphones, more intake manifolds, more piston/cylinder sets, various wheel spacers, one of the lower shelves has a bunch of old bimmer ECUs.

There's also two semi trailers packed to the gills with more shop stuff. I don't know if I'll be able to get them or if they even still exist, but I don't have room anyway. They've been in storage somewhere for a decade now, cared for by a guy that's no longer a friend. I'm sure he's sold off most of it by now. I know there was a set of 3 peice HRE fuchs style wheels, at least a dozen other sets of 911 wheels, a full set of carbon fiber bodywork for the '69, fresh 2.2 and 2.7 race motors, yet even more engine parts, all sorts of stuff worth money I don't even want to think about.
It's sort of embarrassing to have customers here, or even show it to a bunch of people on the internet. We used to have a seriously state-of-the-art race shop and I don't know if I'll be able to get there again.