12/21/14 1:47 p.m.
You know the drill. Typical Harbor Freight trailer, the one with the 12" wheels. Plywood deck with vertical pipes for wheels, smaller storage bin for track stuff. Includes a spare wheel w/mount, security cable.
Gotchas: Located in my storage shed in Bethel, CT. Must be gone by 7/16. I no longer have a car with a hitch, so I cannot meet/deliver.
Bill of sale only. It is/was registered in Maine, which does not issue titles for little trailers like this. I suggest you do the same (easy, super cheap). I have an open CT title from the previous owner, which I can send when I get home to CA. I also think I may have the MSO or whatever that is, which may help in some states.
It's had very little use under my ownership. I should check the tires and all that, but I believe it to be "good to go". The P.O. told me he had the tongue extended for stability, I honestly can't see evidence of that. It's always towed very well for me, the last trip was from CT to Maryland and back, hauling a Miata engine on the return trip. No problems whatsoever.
Best offer.
Do you have any photos of it?
12/21/14 3:23 p.m.
Woody wrote:
Do you have any photos of it?
Nothing recent. It's too dark now, but if anyone's interested I can take photos tomorrow. I know it's easier to sell with a couple of photos, but it really is just a HF tire trailer like everyone else has :)
12/21/14 3:33 p.m.
Oh yeah, comes with free "Eat Bertha's Mussels" bumper sticker. That's serious Baltimore street cred right there...
12/23/14 10:52 a.m.
In the words of the great Craigslist.
Need gone
I don't really need this but I drive through Bethel almost every day. How close to 100% certain are you that you can find that open CT title?
12/23/14 2:15 p.m.
You don't pay me until I send you the title.
12/23/14 3:36 p.m.

More available in Trailer picture gallery
That is a Contico box, but it is not the massive XXXXXL one a lot of the trailers use.
I also have 2 pairs of steel jack stands and one well-used but still working great quick-pump aluminum HF jack that can also be for sale.
Can anyone possibly pick this up for me? I too am currently without a vehicle with a hitch to be able to get this. I live in Torrington CT, but have family in Bridgewater that it could be left with so the person doesn't have to drive too far.
Assuming that it's registered, I could move it from Bethel to Bridgewater, but I'm in New Hampshire until the 30th. I might be able to do it on Tuesday or Wednesday.
12/28/14 3:06 p.m.
Dan - message me directly. I fly out early on the 30th, so I won't be able to link up with Woody, but if you're serious we can probably work something out, I just need to con a friend into conducting the transaction for me.
I had tried sending a message through the site the other day. I'll try again too.
You can email me at if you don't see anything come through as "Grassroot Motorsports message"
12/28/14 11:41 p.m.
Reply sent, not sure what happened to your first message.
7/13/15 1:35 p.m.
I'm back in town for a limited time, if you want this, make an offer and come get it. I leave 7/16 mid-day or thereabouts.
I did find the open CT registration and the MSO, however in the frenzied packing for this trip, they got left in CA.