Not mine, but affiliated. Car is located in Pembroke, MA. My friend does not have online access so I'm helping him get it sold. Car is an 87 BMW 325 with 212k that he got from his cousin about a year ago. It's been sitting for a few years & will start but not stay running. The external fuel pump seems to be the culprit as it sounds rather unhappy. Has some rust on front fenders & rear by muffler (typical E30 areas). Price is $600 FIRM. Please email me (robmsantos at gmail dot com) for further details & I will forward the info along to him.

Uncertain as to the history of repairs to the car. I know his cousin had it for a while & he had a lot of travel between MA & MD & wanted a newer vehicle.
I'm interested but unavailable until next weekend to check it out.
So fast it scared the piss out of the driver? LOL
If I wasn't trying to sell the e21 I bought without thinking I would likely buy this without thinking, at the very least it would be great parts car for my e30.
Reason he's selling it because we're trying to get him into something that is running. He doesn't have the time to fix anythihg. This & his rotted A-Team van have to go for something economical.
DaveEstey - if interested shoot me a pm/email (see above). I'll get you in touch with him.