not mine, not affiliated
I have a 1984 AMC Eagle 4x4 station wagon. It has a 6 cyl engine and a 5 speed transmission. It runs GREAT...looks ok. I am asking $ me and come check it out. Tim 678-251-6048

needs the faux woodgrain ftw
Nah, the woodgrain was the limited model, and they were all loaded with power stuff and autos. This one is actually super rare if it really is a manual trans. I've never seen another wagon with a 6cyl and a manual. (besides mine)
BTW the T-5 they put in these has an incredibly tall overdrive. Mine will pull over 20mpg on the highway. So it's kinda like a Prius
Atlanta huh?......dammit, I'm out of room!
^ Friend of mine swapped a 4.0HO in place of the 4.2 in his AMC Eagle 5-speed wagon.
I had an SX/4.. amazingly good for such an unsuccessful car.
The Eagle was actually a super successful car for AMC. (maybe not the SX/4 though) Bummer that they now get a bad rap. Probably because people are well........dumb.
BMW X6= crappy Eagle ripoff
I should have said "unsuccessful carmarker." Lots of the AMC cars were good, and a few of them were absolutely not.