I have kind of an odd collection. I worked for one of the security/hospitality subcontractors at Daytona Speedway in the early 00's and was there when Sr went in. I have all of the local Daytona papers and Florida Today's covering the race day, day and week after, and the investigation results, etc. I also have an in-the-bag program including the Hot Wheels car. There's also a 50 years of NASCAR hardback book.
I have no idea what any of it is worth, and frankly I don't think I'd take it. I don't follow NASCAR anymore and this has sat in a box since 2001.
What I'd really like to do is give it to someone who is an actual Earnhardt Sr fan. The papers are in great shape and make for a good collection.
Just pay shipping and promise to do something good with the stuff?
I'll PM you when I get back to my PC.
I still remember the crash. Darryl was crying because little brother Mikey won at the last second. RIP Sr.
12/13/12 8:26 a.m.
I will never forget the way Ken Shraeder responded when he walked up to Dale Sr.'s car. When I saw that I had an awful feeling that Sr. didn't make it.
About 3 hrs later they confirmed that feeling.
I pretty well lost interest in NASCAR after that.
I was working the inside of turn 4 and saw the whole thing, and heard the radio announcements over security long before they told the fans. It was the last race I worked.
Good on ya man. Best of luck. Someone will really enjoy that.
poopshovel wrote:
Good on ya man. Best of luck. Someone will really enjoy that.
Being sent to the Nelson's, along with my Mikey stuff (I was a huge fan) for them to enjoy. Just glad to "keep it in the family" you know?

I've got one of these. Anyone interested in it? Still in original packaging.