Yep... the deal is 1 (one) rebuilt largeport 4AG head with my minimum port work.... (the 16 bowls/seats blended, taper the valve guides, deshroud and balancing chamber volume, exhaust port re-taper, polishing, surfacing, and reassembled with viton rubber valve seals) total value: $1000.00
The barter deal: I want 10 - 4A blocks - Of the 10 blocks, 5 or more must be 7 rib. All must have main caps. All must be "bore-able".
Shipping: I'll pay to ship this head to you... as long as you cover the costs to get the blocks to me. Blocks, in theory, can go truck freight. I'll be shipping "your" head via USPS mail and insuring it for $1200.
This is a one time offering, I don't need more than the 10 blocks (for now) so the first person to get the head is the first person to get me the 10 blocks.