If someone wants me to look at it and/or take some pictures just let me know.
If someone wants me to look at it and/or take some pictures just let me know.
Probably NOT $1, but that seems to be the default answer to "price". If you wnat me to check it out Evan, just holla.
I'd be interested in hearing how rough this is. It's probably far to gone to be worth getting, but I am curious and interested.
foxtrapper wrote: I'd be interested in hearing how rough this is. It's probably far to gone to be worth getting, but I am curious and interested.
If you need me, let me know. I have tonight free except for some brake work.
The owner sent me an email with this picture and statement as noted below. No phone number sent.
"Are you looking for a parts car or just spare parts? The one I have has no engine, trans, seats, apron, hood, or grille left. Otherwise, I believe it is all there."
No engine, trans, aprin, hood or grill. Never mind.
Thanks for the info, and the willingness to look further. My interest was piqued, and is now peaked.
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