In an attempt to help spur along the sale of my car, I would like to post it for sale on CL in some larger markets in FL. However, when I post the same ad in another CL coverage area, I am denied with a warning that I'm attempting to post an ad remarkably similar to another ad I recently posted.
So, is the trick just to change a few words? Is it just comparing titles? How much do I need to change to fool it into thinking it is a different ad?
EDIT: DOH! Posted in wrong section. 
rearrange the sentences and pictures. usually works for me.
Thanks for the tip! That's what I'll try.
I think that if you wait a day or two between ads it won't hassle you. I could be wrong though.
So post one local one day, wait a couple of days to post the next, and so on.
Then the trick is to return once a week and delete the old ad and repost it so it's on top.
Oh...and I usually have no problem posting TWO identical ads (say one at home and one in KC). However, THREE identical ads (add STL to the list) and it gives me the warning.
3/19/10 2:37 p.m.
Also if you have more than one email address you can post ads from each email account.