Well I am kinda thinking that my priorities are changing a bit with the baby coming that and I think that we will be having a move come up soon. That being said I am THINKING about letting my small collection of Cutlasses go.
I know I could more than likely get more out of these if I parted everything out or found so G Body Die hards to sell them to but it would be cool to see one of you crazy guys try and take one to the challenge. Problem for most of you is I am way the hell out in Oregon.
So this would be the white 1980 with 350D and the Green 1979 with Olds 350. If my buddy does not want it (he already said dibs) the other 1980 with a boat anchor Poncho motor will get tossed in. That would bring it to 3 cars, all with titles.
It would also include all of the parts that I put together for the build that are specific to the Olds like the extra full rear axle with posi, suspension parts, frame braces, f body seats, there are 2 aluminum hoods between the cars, rally wheels off the Delta pace car, an Olds 403, headers, aluminum intake and various other odds and ends that I can't think of at the moment.
Asking price $1750 for the lot, or make me an offer I can't refuse. Might also consider trade for a solid VW powered sandrail.
EDIT: Here is the build thread with pics of most of the stuff http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/build-projects-and-project-cars/as-requested-80-olds-cutlass-build-thread/35528/page1/