Found in my garage during cleaning , whole original info package , brochures , newsletters , tech info , etc. from Chrysler / Dodge for Neon ACR race cars for SCCA club racing. Anybody running an ACR that might want this stuff ? Just pay mailing cost and its yours ...have pics but can't post ?

9/1/14 3:34 p.m.
You have to host pics on another service like Flikr or Photobucket and then use the link to post a picture.
OK , photobucket pic now there (sideways ?).
9/3/14 9:01 a.m.
I'd get in contact with Matt Wiggins who runs He's collecting tons of Neon shwag. In fact, I'll point this out to him for you. Can I put a temporary hold on the stuff?
9/3/14 9:38 a.m.
Yeah, Matt Wiggins signed up here but he can't post for 24 hours. He will take them. I can get an email address for you to get in contact with each other.
I can be reached direct to ....
Whole package sent to a good Neon home ... please close thread .Thanks