No affiliation etc., just curious why this stuff calls to me.

9/7/10 3:36 p.m.
Because it's awesome! There's nothing nearly that cool for that cheap on my local CL.
It calls to you for the same reason I want the boat behind the T Byrd.
looks fine from here. lots of cool cars.
All cool but that square-bird is it for me.
9/8/10 7:20 p.m.
wlkelley3 wrote:
All cool but that square-bird is it for me.
Agreed....maybe resto-mod with a 4.6 out of a Lincoln Mk VIII...keep it red with Kelsey-Hayes spokes.
I'd rock that Jaaaaaaaaaag with the body as-is. Patina FTW!
Love the cars, hate the rust. It's taken me a few decades to be able to walk away from a rusty but otherwise extremely desirable cheap car. Experience tells me they just are never worth the time, money, or effort.
Now if I could only consistently follow my own guidance ;-)