RARE FIND!! 1987 FIAT two seat sports car designed by BERTONE, will need complete restoration but was a running and driving car when parked,removable hardtop, mid engine 5 speed for better handling.this is not a parts car, this car is complete only missing the radio from what i can tell, $1200 obo, wont last long at this price point!!
looks to have been parked in a riverbed?
a ratty X 1/9 for greater than $1000? Unpossible!
Nice spoiler... looks pretty rough, but I suppose if the end goal is because race car...
Wonder how bad the rust is.
I think I gave 300 for my 87, it was nicer than that one.
Don't you just love people who tell you to hurry because it isn't going to last long at this price!
I see the e-brake is complete too...
For cheap enough, you can do bad things and still sleep at night.