Not mine, but I may go look at it. Apparently it's an airplane, too.
The car is not running as far as I know but its completely made of fiberglass. If you drop a engine in this thing it will fly! 4049240348
Damn you, Atlanta Craigslist.
Only 1868 Sonnet II's made. I've wanted one for a long time.
Mmm. Only thing better would be a Sonett 1 with a 2-stroke.
That's just screaming for a big bike engine now isn't it?
C H E C K - F L O O R - P A N !
I am told that just the rear glass on that is worth a couple bux...
Column shifter.
I was traveling to visit my Aunt that lived in ATL back in 1971 and one of these passed me on an exit. Might be the same one.
2/22/11 8:04 a.m.
I'm an Emo and I fantasize about harming myself¹. Perfect!
(¹ not actually true.)