Not mine, no affliation...thank god. Check out the description, specifically the part in the large font. I wonder how bad it's leaking. Would I need to put something on my garage floor to catch that spill? Maybe I could then pour it into my light bulbs to make them work...
Where is it leading from? The radio or the dome light? Only leaky lights can run light bulbs and radios leaking will run radios. There only thing that will use electricity from either one is a flux capacitor, and I doubt its even leaking enough electricity for that. It takes at least 800 kilowatts.
9/26/11 8:42 a.m.
"needs repaired"
"needs rewired"
That's not correct, right? Needs repairing. Needs to be repaired. I see that bastardisation way too often.
Grammer? Meh. Don't bodder me.
Luke wrote:
"needs repaired"
"needs rewired"
That's not correct, right? Needs repairing. Needs to be repaired. I see that bastardisation way too often.
I'm trying to sale my car. It's for sell.
Too bad about the automatic. But, OMG, it's leaking electricity!!! Apparently the father is as clueless as the child, otherwise a simple transmission swap would see a few thousand more miles (or a few hundred more dollars)out of this car.