This has been on Craigslist for an hour and a half. Not mine, etc...
FREE CAR ---1999 DODGE NEON--- MUST GO BY TUESDAY Date: 2010-01-05, 1:03PM
I am givin away my 1999 PURPLE DODGE NEON. IT IS 5SPED MANUEL IT HAS OVER 138000 MILES ON IT AND NEEDS NEW BRAKS AS WELL AS A TUN UP AND OIL CHANGE. I am moving an need it gone by tuesday. the starter is gone too tHAT went yesterday. and i cant afford to have it towed. FIrst one to call with truck to pick it up can have it. CALL FOR ADRESS AND TO PIC IT UP. IF NOT AVAILABILLE THEN LEAVE A MESSIGE. CAR IS NOT DRIVABLE IT MUST BE TOWED aND YES I HAVE ALL PAPERS (TITLE, BILL OF SALS, PARTS RECIEPTS, AND ETC) skylaar 401-574-6835 close to casino