This is my "I am moving and these magazines aren't good enough to be moved, but are good enough that someone might want them." freebie giveaway.
There is more than that picture. Actually, there is about a 2 foot stack of magazines that are free. Some Cycle, some Hot Rod, Automobile, Auto Week, Sportscar, some import rags, and even a couple GRMs that I have duplicates of. I am probably forgetting a lot, but there is a ton here. Pick it up, it's free. Want it shipped? No, you don't.
I have one book that I am willing to give away.
Its an immaculate copy of Alex Zanardi's My Sweetest Victory. I bought a copy, and a few weeks later, I was given a copy. Since one was given to me for free, I'll pass it along to another GRMer for free. This one might be worth shipping.