5/15/13 6:22 a.m.
FREE: 98 Forester 5 speed drivetrain and suspension. Complete from hub to hub including all crossmembers, brakes, steering rack, strut assemblies. Dropped from bottom of car complete. I did not/will not try to disassemble anything, many bolts are probably seized within the bushings. Ran and drove well, good clutch.
Take all or nothing, will not separate. Will have metal recyclers haul away by next week if no takers.
Location: SE Michigan near Ann Arbor
Contact - Email is best, I do not check PM's: bmepsi at gmail
This has been available for almost 2.5 hours and none of you loons have claimed it? I wish I could come get it as I have nefarious uses for it but alas it is not to be as I am busy for the next few weeks.
Good luck with Give away?
5/15/13 9:57 a.m.
Some crazy here with a welder, a torch, and some time should mix this with that Karmann Ghia that's available cheap on here as well.
I'll take it!!!! sending email 
Lots of good parts, but I can't justifiy the drive across the state to get them
OP emailed me and said it's already gone.