Located in Gainesville, FL, no shipping! I can help load it into your truck/SUV, though.
This is an old tube HDTV. The place I am moving to is a bit smaller than my current residence and I won't have cable, so there's not much use for a TV.
The bad: It has a "shadow" that's along the top edge of the screen, visible on especially dark images. The screen is a little scratched from when it fell on its face, and the surround is a little dented/cracked as well. It is physically very deep, and quite heavy.
The good: It's cheap, and you won't think "Where am I going to put this thing?" because it comes with a sturdy base, which can also house your videogame systems/stereo equipment/etc.. I haven't looked behind it for a while, but I believe it has two component inputs and one HDMI input. If you need some cables, I'll throw some in for you as well. I believe its native resolution is 1080i, but it has been a few years since I last set it up. It also has a remote!
Stereo/other stuff pictured is of course not included. $75 is for the stand and the TV. Don't pay attention to the vaguely suggestive subtitle.
Contact me at mitchellclifton at gmail dot com.