Hey All, I'm out of the E34 game and I'm trying to clean house.
Automatic Transmission Filter Kit - $30
Alarm Remote from keylessride.com to work with factory alarm. I think it was about $50 when I bought it. - $20
Factory coin holder for door pocket, beige/tan color. Buy now and get a free turn signal lense!! - $5
Amber front right turn signal lense - Free for cost of shipping
Aux heater pump and solenoids, this is the pump that gives you heat. Pump is good if a little noisy and solenoids may be able to be disassembled and cleaned(?) If you have an E34 with no heat you know of what I speak. - $15
Fancy pants aircooled 160 amp alternator. Part is good used, purchased from John Brown. I never installed it. Also have factory cooling duct included. - $50
Glove box damper, new never used. - $10
Complete cellular phone. Perfect for the person who wants to rock an analog Verizon phone in their armrest. - Free for cost of shipping
1 or 2 speedo cluster/dash bulbs - $4 shipped
If someone wants all of it, you can have it all for $80 plus shipping.
Later, Bruce