Full blown ChaseCam setup. Captures audio, video, GPS, accelerometer, and OBD-II data.
Some quick samples (video quality was set low because I had a small memory card - just bought the 32GB - new video after this weekend)
This thing is really, really cool, but overkill for me. I am the second owner of the recorder, camera, data module, and LANC cable. Everything else is new since I purchased the system.
This is what you would get.
PDR100 Solid State Video Recorder ($795) http://www.chasecam.com/recorders/PDR100
600 Line Bullet Camera ($250) http://www.chasecam.com/cameras/CAM-600
DM10 Data Module ($395.99) http://www.chasecam.com/data/datamodule
Optional OBD-II Cable ($170) Currently on backorder at ChaseCam - http://shop.britishracinggroup.com/Chase-Cam-OBDII-connector-for-DM10-Data-Module-BRG-CCOBDIIMDM10.htm
LANC Remote Control ($65) http://www.chasecam.com/accessories/PDR/Lan-C
Triple Suction Cup Mount ($40) http://www.chasecam.com/mounts/suction/SM30
Extension Cable, 20' ($20) http://www.chasecam.com/node/50
Chasecam Camera Bag ($15) http://www.chasecam.com/node/30
Cigarette Lighter Adaptor ($8) http://www.chasecam.com/node/33
Transcend 32GB Compact Flash Card ($54.98) http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002WE4H8I/ref=pe_175190_21431760_M2C_ST1_dp_1
Total new would be $1600+. Asking $800.
Email paul [underscore] przyborski [at] hotmail [dot] com