Who doesn't want an awesome two stroker 50cc 6 speed beastie that is way slower than it looks?
The goods - No tag, no title, no license necessary. Sub 50CC is a scooter in GA (I've been pulled over twice on it, and both times the first words out of the cops mouth "Is that thing street legal". So long as your answer is "Yes", they leave you alone.)
The bads - the tach needle has a broken off tip. Seriously...that's it.
As you know, I am moving to Ohio in two weeks, and it is going to be a titling nightmare, as in Ohio it is considered a motorcycle.

These pictures are from this spring. Since then I have installed more stickers...BRAND NEW MICHELINS! and new dropped handlebars that look TYTE!
It has recent brake work, including an upgrade to EBC pads and shoes.
I ride without mirrors, but I have mirrors that come with the sale.
I will also accept trades. Make an offer. If it doesn't sell, it will go with me to Ohio, and I will trek to the Department of Driver Services to try to figure out how to make it work!
In reply to Maroon92:
Ooh a stone white ACR! GLWS!
seriously! Nobody is interested? Where is everyone that said they wanted it a few months ago?
Maroon92 wrote:
seriously! Nobody is interested? Where is everyone that said they wanted it a few months ago?
Answer: About 1000 miles away.
Maroon92 wrote:
seriously! Nobody is interested? Where is everyone that said they wanted it a few months ago?
Interested? Yes. Have the money? No.
93EXCivic wrote:
Maroon92 wrote:
seriously! Nobody is interested? Where is everyone that said they wanted it a few months ago?
Interested? Yes. Have the money? No.
Yeah, I completely understand that...
Not that I'm in any position to purchase it but out of curiosity what's the top speed?
I have had it at 63 miles per hour. Downhill with a tailwind.
I bet someone a bit lighter than I could get it a bit faster.
Maroon92 wrote:
I have had it at 63 miles per hour. Downhill with a tailwind.
What about on level ground with no wind? 
Seriously though, would it be fair to say it has similar performance to a YSR50 in a slightly more useable size?
Temptation is a nasty thing. Good luck with sale...
man, my holiday bonus would likely cover it. but, being as im in ohio, your title nightmare would also be mine, plus the necessary mc endorsement...if the bike ends up here, and youre still interested in selling it in a few months, pm me.
cghstang wrote:
Maroon92 wrote:
I have had it at 63 miles per hour. Downhill with a tailwind.
What about on level ground with no wind?
Seriously though, would it be fair to say it has similar performance to a YSR50 in a slightly more useable size?
Not quite as quick as a YSR or an NSR. much more useable though, and it's quick enough to get out of it's own way. No slower than a city bus.
So, I am leaving for Ohio tomorrow night. If anyone wants to come take it for a test ride, let me know!
Price is negotiable, trades accepted. YOU WILL NOT BE UNHAPPY WITH THIS BIKE! I have ridden it for several thousand miles without any major incidents. Rides like a champ!
Bike will be going to Ohio on October the 1st after a brief stop off at Petit Le Mans!