I'm looking for a vw rabbit that runs, drives and is really cheap. I'm going to use it to plow my driveway and lot so nothing else really matters. Doesn't need a title, doesn't need to look good but it would be nice if it had a heater!
Since this is a cheap cheap cheap thing Ohio NW Indiana SE michigan area. Thanks!
2 caddys for $1200?
This one looks promising:
Ha, that GTI is the one I was looking at; perfect for what I want but no response
chandlerGTi said:
I'm going to use it to plow my driveway and lot so nothing else really matters.
We need pictures of this set up...
Easy enough, google snoway rabbit plow. I have found three still in use and snoway said around 75 were made in 78/79. Mine was from a vw dealership which used it from 81 to 96 to clear the lots then the owners driveway till 2002 on a rabbit truck.
This truck was rusted in half so I removed the plow set up and parted it.

I didn't take pics of the installed plow but as you can see it uses a lift kit in the front. Here is the plow and brackets laid out

And here is the ad from popular mechanics back in the day

Now I want to take a look at that caddy in Marysville. Thanks alot. 
Ha, you should have bought my white diesel truck. Guy who bought it basically parked it in the garage and doesn't ever drive it.

Would have to unlower it for this use though lol
Yea I should have, didn't have the money at the time. If the Saab I am looking at doesn't pan out I may start looking for Rabbits again.