8/26/14 4:22 p.m.
I am looking to buy/borrow/rent a tool that is used for installing metal/plastic barbs into HARD rubber fuel lines. I kmow dorman makes one but I dont want to spend the 70$ plus shipping for a one time use.
this is the piece in question

one know tool

so if anyone has a tool liek this that is local, I'll come to you, with pizza and beer. if not ill pay shipping both ways and throw you a few$$$
looking sooner rather then later
I've done it once using a hairdryer and my bare hands, about 1/16" at a time, heat, push, repeat.
You might see if Advance/Autozone/O'Rileys has it as a loaner.
I have boiled water and then placed the line in the water, let the line soften up a bit then insert the fitting. Worked well enough.
From that second picture it looks like you could make one out of a clamp.
Like Kenny said, try a hairdryer, and once the rubber is a bit more pliable, dip it in rubbing alcohol before pushing it onto the barbs.
The alcohol will lubricate it a bit, and then evaporate quickly so you don't have any foreign matter on the piece.
8/26/14 9:18 p.m.
Boiling water would be tough I dont have much line to work with, and I tried every tool place in my town, autozone advanced, c.a.p. hairdryer scares me because its...well gas lol
Could you just cut the plastic line off and run rubber fuel line? Could you post a pic of what you are working on, that might help the hive mind with your issue.
I've had some luck using a reamer or such to slightly bell the mouth of the hose so I can actually get the fitting started. Then simply hold the hose and use a small soft hammer to lightly tap the fitting in.
8/28/14 9:39 a.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
I've had some luck using a reamer or such to slightly bell the mouth of the hose so I can actually get the fitting started. Then simply hold the hose and use a small soft hammer to lightly tap the fitting in.
the fitting is plastic and will break, trying to do this job asap someone come through for me!
-place fitting in vise
-lube with dawn
-dip the 1st half-inch of plastic hose in really hot water
-quickly push onto fitting
Use rubber gloves so your fingers don't slip on the hose
you can make one out a clamp from lowe's, there is a saab site where they have pictures and instructions. I broke down and bought that dorman tool and it works very well.
Basil Exposition wrote:
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
I've done it once using a hairdryer and my bare hands, about 1/16" at a time, heat, push, repeat.
That's what she said!
Yeah, it's gonna take a lot of drinks ....
8/29/14 9:44 p.m.
I did it! I bought 18 inches of 5/16 fuel line, clamped one end to the check valve one end to the hard fuel hose...50 miles down no problems
In reply to tjbell:
Should be ok as long as you used the fuel injection rated stuff and the good injection type clamps.
We make hoses sometimes at work with the dreaded "push-lok" fittings. We have special lube that is water based and put a plastic cap on the threads and push onto a steel table.
My sausage fingers are great for this. The temp guys that try it are usually kids and can't do it.
Overall it blows.