Would be seck-sea on a certain Deathscort...
If I can swing if after the Taxathon I may pick them up.
Can i get a shipping quote to 46237?
Do you have any idea what the offset it? What kind and size tire are the two good ones?
In reply to 93celicaGT2 I can get you a quote tomorrow. I'm at work right now and I have to go home to weigh them. The halfway decent tires are Hankook Ventus Sport sometinig or other in 205/40R17. They're directional street tires. I can measure the back spacing for you tomorrow as well.
Sweet, i appreciate it. I gotta check and see if that's the size tires i need. I suppose i can use them on the MX6 if they're too big for the Escort.
If anything they will be a touch short on the Escort but pretty close. I was running 205/45r17 and 215/40r17s on my white Pony
Hate to be that guy, but i'm probably going to have to pass unless we can work on price, which i wouldn't expect you to do so shortly after listed. My girlfriend isn't really as excited about these as i thought she was going to be, so i think we're going to be holding out for some decent 16s.
Sorry 'bout that, good luck with the sale. 
No problem. I weighed them anyway and with the tires they weigh about 40lbs each. That would be expensive to ship so unless someone really wants the tires I think I'm just gonna dismount them. I'm sorry 'bout the GF not sharing your enthusiasm. 
Those would be pretty rad on fender flared Aspire Rallycar...too bad they don't make rally tires in 17"...
But they do!
225/70r17 BFGoodrich Radial TA K.O.!

how much tire can you fit under an Aspire? looks like I need bigger flares than I had thought.
Screw the flares and just run without fenders!
In reply to hrdlydangerous:
PM sent. I want these if still available.