This is a buddy of mine that lives down the street, posted it on Facebook:
Hello, I have for sale a 1991 Toyota Tercel with a JDM Turbo Charged Engine (4E-FTE). Here are the specs of the car and engine. Car Body - 1991, 1. Two door Coupe 2. White, With dark green 4E-FTE hood. 3. Car come siwth a Tachometer Gauge, Oil Pressure Gauge, and Boost Gauge 4. Body has 205,000 Miles on it Engine - 1992 1. 4 Cyclinder DOHC, 16 valve Turbo Charged Engine 2. Engine COde is (4E-FTE) 3. 1.3L displacement 4. Rebuilt head, valves, and new valve seals, 5. New Timing Belt, Spark Plugs and Spark PLug Wires 6. New Distributor Cap 7. 5 speed Transmission 8. Engines has 90,000 ,miles on it Like I mentioned above the engine has had a top end rebuild ONLY!!!! There is a an issue with the car I believe the bearing clearances of the connecting rods is to big there for causing the oil pressure to be low. Therefor the engine requires a bottom end rebuild,( new connecting rod bearings, check clearances etc) THE CAR IS DRIVABLE AND CRANKS RIGHT UP BUT THE OIL PRESSURE IS LOW. This would be a great little project car for some one who has the time to do a rebuild. I AM ALSO GOING TO THROW IN BRAND NEW SHOCKS, AND STRUTS AS WELL AS LOWERING SPRINGS (IN THE BOX) FEEL FREE TO CALL ANYTIME AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED. pRICE IS 1750 OBO. CALL CRISTIAN @ 770 561 3822 WITH ANY QUESTIONS
If interested, let me know and I'll pass the message along...