This is a never-used MS 1 using the 2.2 PCB built from a kit. I didn't build it but I put it on the stim, connected it to the tuning software and inspected all the work on the board. Angus approved! The end plates are ugly, though. Includes the DB connectors. I think it has plain B&G MS1 firmware.
$150 shipped to the four-eight.
This work with a 5 cylinder?
In reply to Supercoupe:
If it has a 5-window distributor or a 60-2 trigger wheel, yes.
Can I trade you out of this for some stuff? I'd like to try my hand at the MS stuff.
That's is trade plus cash with me giving you cash at this point............
In reply to fastasleep:
Yeah, that's a great idea. I'll email you.
Still for sale. Make offers.
I'll take it send payment info to
rotaryrescue at aol dot com
Hmm... Wonder if i could MegaSquirt my new Jeep...