I snagged a rusty-rocker & burned out clutch 91 BRG to restore mine to pretty-ness, but I don't need the driveline stuff. I have it all up on craigslist, but I'd much rather give you guys a good deal than those losers :)
The entire rollerskate (engine, tranny & diff minus the clutch & flywheel, cause they're already gone) for $500. Although I will need some extra if you want the steelies that is currently supporting it, they're not mine so I'd have to sell them for my friend :)

I also have some misc parts like a radiator for $50 with fans, a decent condition top for $125 and AFM for $25..

Shipping probably isn't practical on any of those things, but if you need something else, I'm planning on keeping all of the door and interior/exterior panels, but let me know if you need an ECU, cruise control unit, random fasteners, headlight motors, etc, I'm happy to ship 'em out to you.
Cruise Control stuff
Anybody know if the cruise control bits are the same on 94 vs 91? If so, or are adaptable, let me know a price shipped to 28152. That is the one thing I really wish mine had!
Yeah, they should be the same. Bad news is I do not have the column/stalk setup, the car didn't have it, so you'd have to search around to find that (the set/accell/decel switch is on the turn signal stalk). Shouldn't be too hard to find in a junkyard. I do have the cruise control underhood unit that hooks up to the pedal, the on/off rocker switch and the computer that gets plugged in on the drivers side kick area.
I'd probably ask $50 picked up on Clist, so how about $40 shipped because this is "the family?" :)
Wonko, I'd love to by the left front fender if its decent and you'd be willing to ship. I'm trying to rolling restore a 91 BRG also.
Hey Paul,
Unfortunately, this car didn't come with a drivers side one, and the passenger one is way better than mine, so it's going on.. Unfortunately I don't have anything that would be worth shipping. Sorry mate!
That sounds great, pm me your preferred payment method and details and I will send you some $
Cruise Control stuff
TiggerWelder - I brought the cruise stuff into work, but I don't know if I'll be able to ship it today, I asked Nate to grab that column for you fairly late last night. I'll let you know when I have it and can ship it all out.
I'll try and pull it off tonight. Should be able to bring it in tomorrow.