If you ever had a Fla. title, can you simply not apply for a duplicate title, instead of going the Ala. route?
I never bothered to transfer the title from the prev owner, it was going to be a track rat period. I purchased it at the 09 challenge. Prev owner got scared driving it home from the challege when he thought he had broke and axle, when it was the front motor mount, it had separated on launch during the drags. I haven't talked to him in a while but he was quite active on the board here. I still have his email address and I'm sure I can get ahold of him. In fact I'll send him an email now to see if he can help me get a replacement. Let you know how it goes later.
Amusing tidbit, I've already gotten a scam type email offering to pay my purchase price via Paypal....REALLY?
Duke, sent you mail through here, if it doesn't go through you can email me at SCreenname@gmail dot com.
Talked to the PO via email today, as soon as he gets home from a business trip he will help me get a replacement title. So that issue is squared away. Friday night bump.
Sheesh man, where are the pics of it cornering on the new suspension and tires? (those pics of tired stock suspension and marshmallow tires don't do the current cornering awesomeness justice)
Lol no one was operating camera the last time it was out with the new suspension, I can't drive and take pictures! But hey, the "test area" down the road from my house is still "open" we can put the slicks on it, and take some pictures if we can ever get some time.... You're a busy man nowadays!
This, then the Safari, then the Teg. Gotta fund the Miata rebuild. Maybe a new DD in the process.
In reply to MrJoshua:
I'm sure, but at this point I would be happy with something besides my dad's blazer I've been fixing and driving. That being said, I'm pretty sure a bimmer is in my future. Just need to drive a few to make sure it's what I really want, though seeing as how I'm not big on driving FWD and flat seats, I'm pretty sure I'd be happy with one.
Thanks Karl, I might be tempted to drive it over there if someone wanted to go that route. Sticking to the back roads and a pair of earpluge that would be a heck if a ride
I don't know if that one is leaving my hands for challenge money. We've only put 6k miles on it. Something unique about a 17 year old car with 106k miles. Still runs good. Just needs some tlc I'm having trouble paying for right now. Haven't been working near as much as I should be tryin to help dad out.
You still haven't sold this??
Wanna trade for a Diesel Miata?
Boy, this thing would sing with my 2.0 16V!
Paul, made any progress with that thing, or is it still in the same condition you picked it up in. Trying to remember it.
Tuna, shoot me some details.
I'm really looking for cash atm, but I can be persuaded to look at other things.
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