Looking to sell my Sand Rail project. It was built years ago as a race car in Central PA. I dont have much history beyond that. It is a rolling chassis with ball joint front and an IRS rear. It and should be a great starting point. It will come with Ghia disc brakes, 1600 sp motor that I was told should run as well as a low mileage 2.0 that i pulled from a nose hit 76 bus. $500 OBO

Sold to a board member.. Can't wait to see the insanity that it becomes!
Whoever bought it got it got a great deal
son of a, how did i not see this? i'd have picked it up this morning.
11/22/14 9:28 p.m.
patgizz wrote:
son of a, how did i not see this? i'd have picked it up this morning.
I resisted it as long as I could....then I didn't. It will give me someplace to exercise the subaru motor while the Wartburg is being rebuilt.
JThw8 wrote:
patgizz wrote:
son of a, how did i not see this? i'd have picked it up this morning.
I resisted it as long as I could....then I didn't. It will give me someplace to exercise the subaru motor while the Wartburg is being rebuilt.
well when you're done playing around yank the subie out, throw me the vw engines on the floor pan and sell it to me.
11/23/14 11:20 a.m.
I'll definitely keep you in mind Pat. Gonna put it together to play autocross and go to GRM's skid pad challenge, not sure what the plan is after that I guess it depends on how much fun it is. I wish we had someplace to offroad them in NJ but options are limited.