Trying to raise project car money, and don't want to film skateboarding anymore. Don't have a pc with a firewire port anyway, so all this footage could not be captured. Comes with several tapes and a surprisingly good wide angle. single ccd camera, good color reproduction, average quality video. Any questions and I will try my best to answer. OH! it has a night mode that actually works surprisingly well, and the night vision green looks cool. color flip out lcd and b/w viewfinder.
just looking for offers, trying to add to my funds for the alltrac on cl in charlotte, and I know the camera won't sell for the 500 i'd need for that. I'll get right back with you (in a very short while) about specs and pictures.
It is a sony dcr-trv740, I'll list a couple sites with reviews, explanations, and examples being sold below. It is basically a good 1ccd digi8 camcorder. Being digital 8, you still get the difference that film shows over video, with the ease of editing that the digital formatting brings. It captures pretty nicely through adobe elements, I never tried it with a better program than that, but I'd imagine it'd come out a bit nicer. If you want links to videos shot with it, I will provide, but be forewarned that you will have to sit through some terrible skateboarding to see the camera in action. lol
If someone makes an offer that I like, then I will sell it. Not trying to get top dollar out of it as it is used and has a spitfire sticker on it, but it is in good condition.
wide angle lens is missing one of the endcaps because I kept it on the camera all the time so I lost it. comes with the bag though. also has adapter to fit the lens on the camera, 5 8mm tapes, a remote which does work, and the original bag as well, with all kinds of neat pockets. charger is a universal charger, set at the correct voltage already. That's all I can think of for now, peruse the links if you are interested, and post on here or email me at for more info or questions. Thank you.
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sonystyle information