Road-tripping season is upon us. I have started scanning Craigslist already but figured i would ask you guys too. Looking for a beater vehicle. Gotta be cheap as per the rules. ($500 +/- i believe)
Also looking to see if I can find a motorcycle that would work for the trip so looking for big cc cruisers or touring bikes. Big Shadows, Goldwings, KZ tourers, etc.
Trikes would work too...
So, does anyone have anything somewhat close to Cleveland Ohio? Or does anyone have a lead?
Comes with the needed brake caliper. Install and tune carbs and it's good to go. If interested I'll let it go for $1100, otherwise I may actually keep fixing it.
IndyJoe wrote:
Is $250 cheap enough ?
Cheap enough? YES!
I am closing the chapter of my life titled Saturn.
For this road trip I wanna mix it up a bit
AWSX1686 wrote:
Comes with the needed brake caliper. Install and tune carbs and it's good to go. If interested I'll let it go for $1100, otherwise I may actually keep fixing it.
Over budget by too much =( But neat bike and I hope you sell it quickly.
4/26/16 8:07 p.m.
CarKid1989 wrote:
AWSX1686 wrote:
Comes with the needed brake caliper. Install and tune carbs and it's good to go. If interested I'll let it go for $1100, otherwise I may actually keep fixing it.
Over budget by too much =( But neat bike and I hope you sell it quickly.
I dont think you actually specified to the group that this is for a banger rally and therefore needs to be in banger rally budget.
- What are the budget limits for Banger class cars?
1980-1999 – $500
1960-1979 – $750
1959 and earlier – $1000
- What are the budget limits for Banger class motorcycles?
1980-1999 – $350
1960-1979 – $500
1959 and earlier – $750
4/26/16 8:09 p.m.
CarKid1989 wrote:
Trikes would work too...
Unlimited budget for VW based trikes, but the claim rule is still in effect ;)
do you want to do some work or do you want something ready to go?
patgizz wrote:
do you want to do some work or do you want something ready to go?
Either? Depends on how much it needs. I know its vague but still rather open to stuff at the moment.
What do you have in mind ?
4/27/16 11:13 a.m.
4/27/16 3:52 p.m.
Search Infiniti as well as Infinity in your area CLs and there should be many.
1998 Isuzu Amigo that I could look at for you.
$900 Firm but that was also 21 days ago. 1993 Chrysler New Yorker. Travel in comfort.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
1998 Isuzu Amigo that I could look at for you.
That could work...that could work. hmmmmm
Should have mentioned. If its a bike it needs to be comfy 2-up. My girlfriend is going with me and is up for it as long as its somewhat comfy. Hence big cruisers or Goldwings or similiar, Big CC honda Shadows work (newer than 1980s though, those had tiny frames)
CarKid1989 wrote:
JohnRW1621 wrote:
1998 Isuzu Amigo that I could look at for you.
That could work...that could work. hmmmmm
I'll try to contact him tomorrow. If nothing else, I can go as a buyer and say disparaging things about the truck offering les than $500. That way, if you come in at $500, you'll look like a hero.
LinkHere's an especially bad car. Eagle Premier
manual tranny makes me laugh.
4/28/16 3:56 p.m.
Thanks for your help guys/gals/ I appreciate your willingness to help
4/28/16 6:45 p.m.
CarKid1989 wrote:
Thanks for your help guys/gals/ I appreciate your willingness to help
Since the start of the rally is Philly if one of those philly cars works for you it can be stored at my place if needed and you can park your daily here and get it at the end of the rally. Or just come get the car and visit for a weekend ;)
JThw8 said:
What are the budget limits for Banger class motorcycles?
1980-1999 – $350
1960-1979 – $500
1959 and earlier – $750
With some patience you should be able to find a late 70s ujm 750cc or bigger at that price. I have seen several Yamaha xs11s listed for under a grand in the past year. Show up, tell a good story, wave some cash around, I think it could be done.
I looked at the Isuzu and sent you emails.
I remembered this great amount of Isuzu info given in this thread by a great guy.
Old Isuzu Thread by Curmudgeon
So sad to think he's gone and so is this endless Isuzu knowledge.