When I bought my white '91 last week the PO told me that the power steering and A/C components worked fine, he had just lost the tensioner block and decided not to run the belt. Well after acquiring a tensioner block and throwing a belt back on, I have come to find out that the P/S pump pulley has a ton of play in it and sounds like absolute death with a belt hooked up. Needless to say, it's totally shot.
eBay has a handful of used pumps available in the $30-40 shipped range but I'm sure a fair amount of you guys have them laying around from de-powering your racks, and all else being equal I'd rather give the money to a GRM'er. Does anyone have a good, working NA Miata P/S pump they'd be willing to send off to me in that price range?
If I had known you needed one I could have sent a bigger box.
The one on my 91 works fine. I'd send it to you for $30 shipped.
Yeah, I should have looked into it further before buying other stuff, haha. Payment incoming.
Anything else you need before I ship it out?
Ian F
7/8/14 10:54 a.m.
If it turns out you need a rack as well, let me know... 
In reply to EvanB:
That's all I can think of at this point unless you have a mint gauge hood you'd throw in for a trivial price. 
This is (sadly) going to be a flip, because unemployment sucks, so not as picky as I would be if I could keep it...
EvanB wrote:
If I had known you needed one I could have sent a bigger box.
The one on my 91 works fine. I'd send it to you for $30 shipped.
No kidding! Had I known I would have thrown one in the box with the strut. Oh well, looks like you got it taken care of.