Looking for a cheep Miata with an auto trans need not be show car but no POS either.... I know who the hell wants an auto...Well my 84 year old Dad always wanted a small drop top and my 79 year old mom did too Mom's got two fake knees and can't do a clutch anymore.
So if anyone come across a good deal but pass due to the auto give me a heads up.
Thanks 44
8/7/11 8:47 p.m.
Have they driven a Miata?
I'd have a really hard time getting in and out if I had 2 fake knees, or was 84 years old.
8/7/11 9:01 p.m.
Interesting. I just did a search for Miata automatic on SoFla CL. Every one came back from a dealership.
8/7/11 9:26 p.m.
There's a really nice low mileage automatic STO in the miata.net classifieds. If I had the cash (and the driveway space) I'd have bought it for my wife to tool around in. Pretty little car.
Honestly I'd look for a PT cruiser convertible. It's probably the most upright easy to enter and exit convertible. If that doesn't push the buttons a MINI might.
No want sports car.
2 years ago when my uncle passed a way dad got to drive his dream car a Mercedes-Benz SL (R107) to find he hated it...(he's always driven slower then speed demon mom and he said it was a slug...)
They don't drive much but i'd love to just leave them the key's.
All i see around here are sticks.
8/8/11 2:51 p.m.
I've got an auto parts car if you wanted to do a conversion.
There's an orange one for sale in Tampa. $1200?
If he thinks the Merc was a slug, then he's gonna think he could get out and walk faster than an automatic Miata.
I've got a friend that has one for sale. She bought it to be a parts car for her Spec Miata, but doesn't need it any more. It's not exactly the prettiest of cars though... but it is cheap.
The newer they are, the more likely you'll be able to find an auto. And if the budget will do it, look at the 2006 and later cars. They're probably going to be easier to get into and there's a paddleshift auto available. But that's a $10k car.