Mine. 85 s10 reg cab shortbed 2wd. Solid southern truck, one small rust hole where floor meets firewall under heater box. Heat only, manual windows and locks. Mostly gutted interior, broken windshield with accompanying dent on roof from hurricane in October. No engine/trans. Was v8 already, i can include an s10 sbc swap oil pan.
Large scale project, but really solid and it's already up north so you don't need to go south to find it. Clear Florida title. Just brought it up to Ohio yesterday, and have lots of pictures.
I am not looking to get rich, but solid boxy s10's don't exist in Cleveland anymore, so it's going on CL next week when i feel like dealing with morons. GRM price is $450, the sheetmetal is worth more in pieces but I really don't have the heart to part out something so buildable.
Loc: 44280 valley city Ohio about 30 minutes from downtown Cleveland
I have a bunch of boxy S10 interior parts, if anyone needs them, when they Pat's truck. 
I say that, because I don't want to be tempted into unfinishing yet another S10 project. 
Does it have the third pedal set-up ?
Could you post up a few of those photos?
well, it has the factory shifter hole so it might have 3 pedals. didn't bother looking. i'll upload the pictures tomorrow and post the album.
i'll toss a matching set of 94-97 factory aluminum wheels on it for one of you guys as it has mismatched wheels currently as well as an almost new pair of rear drums. i think that's the extent of my s-series truck stash since i got rid of my old sonoma.
this is from my hotel friday morning, took a bunch of close ups. frame is georgeous, even cleaner than my last one. cap not included, that is a GRM express relay delivery for another forum guy.

Its off trailer, i'll try to get pics up tonight.
Try album until i get to my computer, there should be 10-12 pick of the truck in the album
I'll entertain offers from grm'ers as well just so i dont have to craigslist. Also the cap apparently is now available for $100 obo. It was for another member so we got it up here and he sold his truck in the mean time. It was on a round body ranger but should fit any s10 or ranger with a short box relatively well.
Do you have the keys? What is the status of the driveshaft and radiator?
Keys don't turn ignition but we'll get you set up with something. I can swap out the ignition switch in 10 minutes. No radiator in it but i have a nice one i'll throw in. Driveshaft isn't there, but we can dig around for the length and see if i have a compatible one. I want this to be easy for a grm'er so if i have anything that can help assembly i am ready and willing to throw it in free or very cheap
Heck you want a 3970010 high nickel 350 shortblock with a summit racing cam and an s10 swap oil pan? That can come with it too.
Whats the price with a 5.3 running and driving this?
patgizz wrote:
Andy Neuman wrote:
Whats the price with a 5.3 running and driving this?
I don't think I'm going to be allowed to buy anything for over a year. "sad face" Going to change my racing team to "Sad Time Racing"
Bump for MacNasty. He(she? Maybe she's so ratchet she's macnasty) needs a new home, and i do not want to CL.
The tree fiddy is gone. I will sell truck to GRM'er for 250. That's me taking a loss on it, only because the trip turned into the c5 chassis which is the basis for my challenge build. Truck is in my trailer's parking spot and i really want to clean up my yard.