$1200 for an 88 Fiero (the good suspension) with a Quad4. If I was in the market for a nearly ready to go challenge car, I'd be checking this one out now. Looks like it's partway between Cincinnati and Louisville.
7/7/16 7:37 a.m.
Damn, that looks like fun. "Clean tittle in hand". Did anyone else snicker at that?
7/7/16 7:40 a.m.
If that is the 190hp version, that would rip.
Wow, that looks like fun. 1988 had the better suspension too, right? Hmm.
It looks like the 180hp version unless they changed the ignition module out (the aluminum engine cover is also the ignition module heat sink). 180hp would still be fun in a Fiero!
Hmmm, good thing I don't have any spare cash and it is far enough away. 180hp HO is still plenty fast. Toss a turbo setup on it and then it would be real fun.
I wonder if he'd take my race scooter in trade :)
Also note, not a sunroof car.
If running, this looks like a great deal. Cheap autox'er. Near turn-key Challenger! Lots of budget room left!